Sunday, 22 December 2013

Christmas is coming to town

Its the 4th Sunday of Advent and Christmas Day will come soon. Before that, we need to prepare ourselves for the Birthday of Our Lovely Jesus. :)

This year, I have chance to celebrate this celebration with family and of course at my hometown and not at my uni and not at the exam mood. I'm happy and feel blessed. Yesterday, my family and I just bought our decoration for our Christmas tree. So, we deco it yesterday... So these what we had done.

*Our little Christmas Tree*

We also did decorated the outside of our house with lighting and decoration stuff. So, here some of the photos to share with you all... :3

*Decoration on the door*

*Lighting that we set up*

There are a lot that haven't been done by us yet. Will be busy soon...Sorry for the quick update... Will update again soon...Till then, Merry Christmas to those celebrate the celebration and God bless all...