Monday 19 August 2013

My Favourite band ever

Since I'm boring and don't have things to do, I decided to share about my favourite band that I like about their looks, voices, songs and many more. I like this band since I'm in secondary school and the band still manage to make me like them till today. Their songs are so amazing and honestly they are more into Rock genre. Let me introduce my favourite band is............ L'Arc~en~Ciel   (@~@)v *peace*

L'Arc~en~Ciel is a band from Japan and started their carrier since 1991 where the band start with band leader, Tetsu followed by the other group members, Hyde (vocal), Sakura (Former drummer) and Ken (Guitarist). Now, the members of the band are a bit change where Yukihiro (Drummer) replace Sakura and play for the band.

 For me, Hyde are so mysterious because all are secret except for his name. But I don't mind..hehehe...
I'm blur of what I want to share...if want to know more about them, visit their official website....  L'Arc~en~Ciel

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