Saturday 7 April 2012

me bla bla bla again....

hi hi everyone...I am back and gonna bla bla bla again...i don't really know what exactly the suitable title for my post this time but surely I'm gonna type and type till I don't know what else to type..ahaha...soooo...because I am boring..and too boring...I decided to update my blog... =.=" hahaha...actually this few days, I had a dilemma regarding friends and boyfriend. I really blur how to solve the problem...whether I need to choose either one of them or just pick both of them(*selfish me*)... it all about want to stay with both friends and our own partner@boyfriend/girlfriend.

some cases are:

  1. For some cases, there is a boyfriend or girlfriend doesn't like we as their partner to get along with our  own friends. They prefer us to stick with them all day long. 
  2. Other than that, friends think that people who had a couple don't need them as a friend anymore. So they try to make themselves far from us.
p/s : My Mr B. is a very lovely boyfriend and he never forbid me from be with my friends. He let me friend with them. :)

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