Sunday, 18 September 2011

UPDATED 1..2...3... GO!!! PART 2...

hello again..It's been almost 1week since I update my blog..sorry Readers..let me tell some stories but not all la because some of it are of my pack schedule and limited online access, I am unable to update my sad isn't it..but least I can concentrate with my study especially with my Japanese course..huhuhu..Damn me so bad in routine this whole week so packed...Monday till Sunday GOT my Sensei for my probs but luckily he understand it...print out my registration slip then meet my mentor...but actually I haven't meet him..I'm sure he will tegur me for my Result last semester....huhuhu...then next week start with my tutorial class and it make me have no rest time because I have 23 credit hours dude...S***... huh...but luckily I have my BF that helps me overcome my laziness and tiredness and always accompanies me...THANKS A LOT Mr. B....

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