Thursday, 11 August 2011

look TOO young???

This entry is regarding to what I face. People always said that I am a 15 years old student and it make me I that young??? When compared with my lil sis, she almost same height and look more mature than me. Friends of my lil sis also said like this to my lil sis " kakak kamu form 3 ka? ". Maybe I look that small cause I like to wear short and simple t shirt when I go out and it make me look like a teenager. My relatives also always said that I am form 5 student and my lil sis is a form4 student...hahaha...that's so funny..You know why? Because I am 8 years older than my lil sis but they say that I look a year older then her. And that make it funny. But I am forever grateful..hehehe.. :D

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