Friday, 5 August 2011

my guitar story...

Its been a long time since I've dream to have my own guitar and learn how to play with it. But it's not easy as what people thought that I can save some money and bought it by myself. I kept this dream since I was in primary school and now I am a university student and i just bought my guitar on the 2011 CNY. Before this my parents did not like with my interest. So, I don't dare to buy the guitar when I'm a secondary student. My dad said that if I bought a guitar, I will not concentrate with my study especially that time I will attend for SPM. I know that is the best for me dad...I love this year I decide to buy a guitar with my own money at the place where I study with my boy. He become my advisor and give advise what should I buy and what shouldn't. I bought my first guitar on February this year and I still learn to become a better guitarist. So this is my guitar... :)
my 1st Guitar... :)


the Charioteer said...

nice guitar~ i want to buy a better one but still saving money...=]

Mitch Peter said...

thakns Magdalene...the guitar is not expensive..the sound good also. emmm...hope u can buy yours the new one...